The Top 10 Reasons Why Businesses Should Adopt Flexible Working Schedules

Offering a flexible work schedule is one of the most powerful ways to
improve your business. Studies by McKinsey
& Company
and FairyGodBoss
indicate that job candidates are more apt to accept an employment offer from a
company that offers a flexible work schedule. In addition to helping your
business attract top talent, adopting a flexible work schedule can help
your company optimize profits and foster employee retention. Below are the top
10 reasons why your business should
adopt flexible working schedules

1) Ability to attract superior talent. Many of the most
talented job candidates bristle at the prospect of being chained to a desk from
9:00 to 5:00 every day. Job candidates are increasingly seeking employers that
offer flexible work hours and the ability to telecommute.

2) Improved accessibility for customers and vendors.
Accessibility and responsiveness to customers are the keys to customer
satisfaction for many businesses. Flexible scheduling helps to increase
customer satisfaction by extending the workday on both ends and optimizing
worker availability.

3) Increased profits for your business. Results of a study
by Vodafone
indicate that over 60% of businesses surveyed internationally
reported increased profits due to flexible scheduling. The U.S. is a leader in
the adoption of flexible working schedules and American companies are steadily
gravitating toward flexible work schedules due to this increased profitability.

4) Improved work-life balance for employees. Employees with
small children and aging parents face a mounting number of demands on their
time. A flexible working schedule allows employees to better respond to the
needs of their families while maintaining productivity at work.

5) Enhanced employee productivity. Flexible
work schedules bolster employee productivity
by eliminating distractions.
Working from home or working at the office during non-traditional hours is
associated with fewer interruptions and a more comfortable working environment,
which both contribute to sustained productivity.

6) A flexible
work schedule is attractive to millennials
The millennials of
Generation Y value work-life balance above all other work-related qualities. In
order to attract top millennials, employers should emphasize their desire to
promote work-life balance and outline the availability of flexible scheduling

7) Improved ability to respond to the needs of international
In today’s global marketplace, it is important to realize
that the majority of the world operates outside of the hours of 9:00 to 5:00.
By adopting a flexible work schedule, your company will be prepared with
designated staff who can respond to inquiries that arrive outside of
traditional U.S. business hours.

8) Higher satisfaction among employees. After compensation,
a flexible work environment is the second most desired attribute that job
candidates seek in an employer. Flexibility in the workplace also contributes
to higher levels of
among employees.

9) Cost savings for employers. Flexible working schedules
that involve the employment of part-time staff or home-based work reduce the
need for office space and energy. Additionally, employers who invest in
part-time workers save money on benefit costs.

10)Reduction in employee turnover. The higher levels of
employee satisfaction associated with flexible work schedules help to reduce
employee turnover. Employees are less likely to explore other job opportunities
if their morale is high and they have the work-life balance that they desire
through their current employers.

Seeking the Guidance of an International Talent Expert

Adopting a flexible work schedule is an excellent way to maintain a
competitive edge in today’s business arena. The best way to evaluate the impact
of a flexible working schedule is to enlist the input of an industry expert. Professional recruitment experts
have the tools and expertise to evaluate your business and provide guidance on
the adoption of a flexible work schedule for your company. They can also
suggest specific flexible scheduling strategies to use to help retain your top
employees and maximize profits for your business.