Reaching New Candidates Through Inbound Recruiting

Between the changing world of online job searches and global talent shortages, the recruitment is almost nothing like it was 20 years ago. Even with amazing online tools for both companies and job seekers, it’s getting harder and harder to find new hires with the right combination of talent and dedication to fill your key positions.  With the population higher than ever and education systems still churning out skilled graduates, companies are left to wonder where all these ideal job candidates are hiding. Application numbers are down, and of the limited number of people who do apply, their suitability may be variable. However, a new trend in recruiting is producing amazing results for companies like Spotify, Lockheed Martin and HubSpot called Inbound Recruiting.

Finding Your Top Talent

For most of history, businesses have had the upper hand in the recruitment process. Traditionally, candidates come to you with applications and resumes, then are held on the line for weeks waiting for interviews and follow-ups. The modern job seeker doesn’t have time for this process, especially if they are among the top talent in their industry. In fact, many truly talented candidates are working remotely or as freelancers because their skills can support this enjoyable level of freedom. This puts the shoe on the other foot for companies, turning them into the seekers instead of the sought out and this change in regime can be discomforting for older organizations with a traditional hiring system. Many businesses are finding better success with a new strategy, treating recruitment like marketing in order to draw in talent and create hiring conversions instead of waiting for them to come to you.

Inbound Recruiting

In marketing, the Inbound method using blogs, videos, and helpful resources as a way to boost company awareness and create leads has worked fantastically well. Modern people want to independently walk themselves through the sales funnel from research to conversion with only gentle, supportive nudges from the sales team and recruiting works the same way. The goal is to draw in the attention of the talent you want, give them a glimpse of your awesome company, and include a friendly call to action encouraging them toward a low commitment mini-conversion like joining a Google Hangouts group or recruitment network. Once you’ve started a conversation, you have started them considering you as an employer and can begin making real inroads toward recruitment.

Ideas to Get Started

What kind of inbound methods should you use? This depends entirely on the kind of candidate you’d like to attract, but articles and white papers are always a great place to start. Make sure your subject matter is modern, interesting, and the kind of content your ideal talent will want to find. If you’re looking to hire engineers, for instance, articles on the latest technology and best practices (used by your company) are a great place to start. Whatever the topic, remember to pepper your content with employee testimonials and reasons why international hires might enjoy living/working near your business locations. Finally, end with a strong call-to-action welcoming new recruits and hopefully suggesting that readers join the conversation with you online.

If you’re unsatisfied with the quantity or talent level of the candidates you’re getting through applications alone, it may be time to branch out into internet-era recruitment strategies. Inbound recruiting brings all the research on inbound marketing that’s been done for drawing in consumers and turns it toward appealing to new talented candidates for your international company. When you take the time to make your business more appealing to the independent minded professionals of today, they will happily collaborate with you to find the best skill and personality matches for your key positions.
