Artificial Intelligence and Human Intuition in the Search for Talent

Nowadays, artificial intelligence seems to be visible in every aspect of human life. There are dating apps which match people together on the basis of their preferences. Then, there are apps you can use to dress, decorate your home and run your business. No matter what you want to accomplish in your life, there’s an app, a software or some other type of artificial intelligence which works according to an algorithm set up by its makers.

Even if you don’t use any specific apps, you’ve probably used Google which also has its own algorithm on the basis of which it prompts you in your searches, your purchases etc. It almost seems like there’s an invisible eye that’s watching everything you do (a scary thought) but hopefully this invisible eye is beneficial rather than harmful.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Intuition

Just remember that when you’re making use of artificial intelligence, it has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Basically, apps and softwares can do a lot of the grunt work, weeding out things and people that are irrelevant to your needs. At the same time, they can’t give you the personal touch. They can’t look into your mind or anticipate your needs.

Of course, it’s unlikely that a human being will be able to look into your mind either. But the fact is that human intelligence is still at a higher level than artificial intelligence. So there are certain intuitive leaps which a human being can make but an app can’t.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

When you’re searching for talent, there are many ways in which you can use technology to help you out. As to whether these forms of technology are actually better than human beings remains to be seen.

Everyone who’s had to hire someone recently has heard of sites like and These are just a couple of options open to those looking to use artificial intelligence when looking for talent.

  • AI for Jobseekers: These websites enable job seekers to post their resumes, look at job descriptions and send in applications.
  • AI for Employers: As an employer, you can also browse through resumes that fit your specifications. You can search for keywords, people who have experience in the field that you’re hiring for and people who have a certain level of education.
  • AI for Long Distance or International Recruitment: You can search for people already living in a certain geographic area or you can choose to hire people from different locations or countries.
  • How AI Anticipates Your Needs: You may also receive recommendations from the website, based on resumes you’ve expressed an interest in before (just like Netflix suggests new movies and TV shows based on your past preferences).

So working with websites or apps like this definitely helps you by increasing your options and presenting you with possibilities.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

It’s true that artificial intelligence has opened up new horizons. You can be sitting in your chair in the United States and looking at resumes from India, which it was difficult to do before, when resumes were on paper and had to be mailed or faxed to employers.

  • Intangible Qualities: Despite its many advantages, artificial intelligence can’t interview a person for you in the way that a headhunter can. They can’t take in the details of their appearance or tell you whether they’re punctual. They can’t tell you whether that person will fit in with your company culture or whether they’ll be able to work well in a team.
  • Tangible Qualities: Artificial intelligence can really only give you the basics; it can tell you whether someone is well-educated and has work experience in your field. At least at this point in time, artificial intelligence can’t do much more than that.
  • The Personal Touch: If you’re looking for someone who has been handpicked for your team, in terms of education, work experience, aptitude and being easy to work with, you might need to work with a headhunter instead.

The Network Editorial Team