How Technology is Driving Global Talent Acquisition

Some of the impact technology has had on international recruitment is obvious. Now, more easily than ever before, you can hire global talent without ever having to travel to their country of origin. Online job postings, web application systems, Skype interviews, and digital onboarding platforms are just some of the countless ways in which the advancement of technology has eased international talent acquisition even for companies with relatively limited recruitment budgets.

But at the same time, you might not realize that the depths technology’s influence in international recruitment actually reach much deeper than the application process itself. The U.S. Society of Human Resource Management recently outlined some of the many ways in which your efforts to hire talent from abroad could be influenced and aided by technological advances in 2017 and beyond.

The Year of the Algorithm

The last few years have already seen the influx of algorithms in creating better marketing campaigns. As SHRM points out, the same concepts can easily be applied to recruiting qualified candidates:

Smarter use of talent data will expand recruiting metrics beyond the hire itself, from time-to-hire and cost-per-hire to longer-term metrics that measure tenure, performance, fit and retention. Data tools will help match a candidate to the position that best fits his or her skills and background; assess a candidate’s personality, values and interests; rank the priority of jobs for workforce planners; and arguably, root out hiring bias.

These metrics become especially important considering the additional challenges that international recruiters tend to face. International talent acquisition tends to be expensive, especially when compared to its domestic counterpart. Better algorithms and metrics will help to better evaluate results, and make adjustments as needed.

Automated Employer-Candidate Matching

Recruiting globally often means entering your brand into a recruiting marketplace in which potential applicants simply don’t know about your company. How can you make sure that it still attracts the right candidates, both in terms of qualifications and in terms of culture fit?

Technology might have the answer. A 2017 survey found that HR professionals increasingly believe in the power of artificial intelligence in the recruiting process. This type of AI, called machine learning, will be able to more easily match a candidate to potential employers around the globe. Thanks to better candidate matching, global talent acquisition will finally catch up to its domestic counterpart in finding the right fit between talent and employer.

Personalized Remote Recruiting

Take a moment to think about just how much your recruitment strategy depends on personal outreach. Especially beyond entry-level positions, a personalized strategy is absolutely vital to find and attract the right candidates. A post on a job board is a great start, but not enough for international applicants once they get past the discovery stage.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. Rather than hiring international agents to conduct your global recruiting on your behalf, you will be able to rely on technology for these efforts. As Roopesh Nair, president and CEO of Symphony Talent points out,

Personalizing careers sites and recruitment marketing will significantly impact not only the quality of candidates companies can reach and attract but also the number of relevant applications. “Data can be used by recruiters to create persona-based content to reach higher quality candidates, while at the same time relieving them of mundane tasks so they can refocus on their actual job—recruiting.”

Is Your International Recruitment Strategy Prepared for a Technology Influx?

Especially if you strive for diversity in your workforce, a comprehensive international recruitment strategy is vital to success. Thanks to increasingly available technological advances, even smaller businesses will be able to make that goal a reality. In 2017 and beyond, successful global recruiting will require an embrace and integration of the technology possibilities.

This article was originally published on our website at