Value of Working in North America

Though the geographic designation of North America includes many Spanish-speaking countries, it is culturally thought of as consisting of the United States and Canada. The Spanish-speaking nations, on the other hand, are Latin America. Today, we’ll be looking at the Big Two: The United States and Canada.

While the North American media may make it seem as if the entire world wants to come to these two countries for jobs, the reality is that this area must compete with all of the others for laborers. Someone who is willing to move to get employment will likely consider all of the continents and several specific countries before settling on one. Therefore, companies in the United States and Canada will need to convince these people of the value of working in North America in order to attract them.

Fortunately, there are many benefits to choosing this area as a place to work. These include factors such as:

  • Political stability
  • Strong economies
  • High-value dollars
  • Many safe areas
  • Diverse climate options
  • Diverse city cultures
  • Plenty of space
  • Massive diversity of food choices
  • Plentiful availability of everything money can buy
  • A huge diversity of living options

Some of these things will surely be a surprise to those who have only heard about North American countries on TV or in newspapers. That’s because one of the features of the area’s media is a strong tendency to sensationalize everything. Therefore, it may take a bit of convincing to show some people that what they saw on TV is, frankly, wrong.

Political Stability

In the United States
The biggest surprise may be that the United States, in particular, is actually politically stable. With all of the coverage of protests in the capital, it’s easy to forget that in truly unstable nations, there is armed revolution instead. Alternatively, there would be riot police beating down those who dare to talk against the government. American politics is currently interesting, yes, but there is no threat of civil war. One can feel free to invest knowing that the currency won’t get cancelled, there won’t be a military coup, and in general, a person can go about daily life without undue interference from either the government or those who oppose it.

In Canada
Political controversy is not unknown in Canada, though they tend to be more subdued about it than their southern neighbors. There will be the occasional gaffe by a politician followed by the obligatory outrage stories, but that’s about it. Notably, Canada has a government-run health care system that non-citizen residents can get in on after a waiting period – a testament to a more socialist outlook.

General Living Conditions
Both the United States and Canada offer many advantages related to their geographic sizes. The only catch to this is that those who don’t have a car will be limited in their choices. Fortunately, it’s possible to lease vehicles across the full range of prices, so this needn’t break the bank. That said, it is indeed also possible to go carless. Those who wish to do this simply need to choose a full city environment as their base, because that’s where the public transportation is developed enough to serve their needs.

Food is extremely plentiful in both North American countries. Foreign visitors on forums typically list the “huge” portion sizes sold by restaurants as the singlemost shocking thing about this area. Grocery stores similarly offer giant packages of things, though there, it’s also possible to get smaller ones.

The Economy
The strong economies in North America have both benefits and drawbacks. Strong economies make for strong dollars, and this makes coming here a great deal for those who intend to go back to countries like India when their employment ends. Upon exchanging their dollars for their local currencies, such people can end up quite well off. However, the cost of living varies greatly depending on the state or province – and even the specific city – where the worker is based.

This article was originally published on our website at