10 Best International Recruitment Bloggers to Follow

Human resource and recruiting professionals have one of the more difficult jobs in any organization. Luckily, there are some strong voices providing great industry insight and best practice advice on their blogs. Instead of exploring some blog sites themselves, we are going to share with you some of the best and brightest bloggers in the recruitment and human resources industry that you should follow if you are interested in learning more about the field. The writers on this list come from a myriad of backgrounds and some of them write for a few different blogs. Let’s take a look at the best and brightest voices in the industry.

Kris Dunn
You can find Kris’s work on two sites primarily, The HR Capitalist and Fistful of Talent. He actually founded the latter site. What Kris does well on his posts is that he cuts through the vague misty-eyed big picture sentiments that plague a lot of recruitment blogs and spells out the specifics for recruiting and HR professionals. His posts help make the big picture sentiments a reality with the detail that a lot of other blogs emit.

Evelyn Xu
You can find Evelyn’s work on Recruiter.com and at Scope Group’s Blog. There are hardly any recruitment blogs that write from a millennial point of view, and that is what makes Evelyn’s posts so unique. Not only is she a recruiter but she is also a millennial, which affords her a unique voice and point of view in a world where millennials are becoming more and more involved in the work place.

Jim Stroud
You can find Jim’s work at his own blog blog.jimstroud.com, catch his very popular YouTube video series about recruiting, or listen to his podcast It’s All Recruiting. Jim may be the most well-versed social media and content-based recruiter. Not only are his blogs, videos, podcasts very informative but they are also fun and entertaining to watch, listen, or read.

Austin Ries
His work can be found at the Zoho Blog. This is probably one of the best company blogs available right now, because Austin doesn’t spend his time promoting Zoho, but rather sharing and exploring deep and critical recruiting issues covering everything from candidate experiences and how they can be improved to finding the best hiring managers.

Maren Hogan
This woman is all over the Internet. You can read her stellar work at recruiter.com, Undercover Recruiter, ERE, HR Examiner, and her own blog Marenated. Maren has not only written on all of the major recruiting blogs she has covered every recruiting issue and topic you could ever think of.

Liz D’Aloia
You can find Liz’s work at recruiter.com and the HR Virtuoso blog, which she founded. Her blog is different because it explores and analyzes relevant court cases and explains in-depth how these rulings affect the recruiting industry.

Josh Tolan
Tolan has written for Mashable, Huffington Post, Recruiter.com, ERE, and CEO.com. Josh is the CEO of Spark Hire, a video hiring solution, so he has a unique perspective of the recruitment industry, especially at the cross-section of where technology meets hiring.

Jeff Altman
His work can be found at The Big Game Hunter’s Blog, plus he also runs three podcasts, Job Search Radio, NO BS Job Search Advice, and NO BS Hiring Advice. The thing that makes Jeff’s work unique is that he has a lot of in-depth experience writing for the recruitment industry as well as job seekers. His work is very informative from an industry standpoint because he explores all of the facets of the recruitment and hiring process.

Angela Bortolussi
Angela’s work can be found on Undercover Recruiter and Recruiting Life. Bortolussi is a social recruiting genius. She not only explores more traditional platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, but also newer platforms such as Instagram.

Ken Sundheim
The majority of his work can be found at Business Insider, Forbes, and Entrepreneur. He is the CEO of KAS Placement and a distinguished graduate lecturer at NYU, Syracuse, and Pace. Don’t worry that his posts may be too academic. Like any good recruitment blogger his posts are always focused on the practical details not the abstract ideas.

This is a list of some of the best recruitment writers and the blogs they write for, but it is by no means inclusive of all of the blogs out there that may add value to your daily work flow.

This article was originally posted on our website at www.the-network.com/spotlight