How Demand and Supply Influence Employment Trends Around the World

Most people think that employment trends vary greatly from country to country. In certain places in the world, the level of unemployment is greater than others. Salaries and wages also vary greatly. Plus, in some parts of the world, certain professions receive higher pay than others while the opposite might be the case in other parts of the world.

Employment, like everything else, depends upon the economic laws of demand and supply. If the demand for certain types of expertise is high and the supply is low, then people with that type of expertise will get paid more. But if demand is low and supply is high, then people in that profession will get paid less.

Despite the differences in demand and supply the world over there are certain employment trends which are global in nature i.e., you can see them all over the world and not only in certain countries.

Demand for IT Professionals Is High
All professions require different types of creativity, including the IT field. However, most people perceive this field as dry and boring, since you have to sit in front of a computer screen all day, without any contact with people.

Most people are happy to enjoy the fruits of IT—we all browse the internet on our computers as well as our phones. We use word processors, spreadsheets and other types of software to help us in our day-to-day lives. We download and listen to music. We text and talk endlessly on our phones.

Twenty years ago, all this was just becoming possible. But as time goes by, the world becomes more and more dependent on technology. And people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the new heroes.

Obviously, you don’t have to be the next Steve Jobs to get a job in technology. But no matter where in the world you might live, there’s a high demand for people in the IT field. Plus you also have the opportunity to move to different countries and get paid more, if you’re functioning at a higher level of expertise.

Demand for Communication Skills Is High
Although communication has always been important in the business world, the fact is that companies haven’t always recognized its importance. However, this is changing now. With the advent of email, texting, social media and blogging, communication, especially in writing, has become more important to people and companies. It also helps if you can communicate in more than one language fluently, especially if your company has dealings in other countries or with different minorities within the same country.

Unlike other fields, there are no university or college courses which teach you to communicate. Either you have it or you don’t. Of course, there are people who have deliberately honed their communication skills in order to do better in business. And many business gurus and executive coaches run courses in which they teach business people to communicate better.

Management Styles and Techniques are Changing
At one point of time, the hierarchy within an organization was unchangeable. The higher ups were always considered more important than the grunts or those lower down the ladder. The aim of the business was clear—to produce more and more profits. The happiness of employees didn’t matter so much.

Now, however, you’ll find that this is changing the world over. In some countries, the change might be occurring at a slower rate while in others, it is faster. But the fact is that businesses are recognizing the importance of keeping their employees happy. The concept of company culture has come into being and it is here to stay.
