Unemployment: A Common Problem Worldwide

In today’s day and age, many people are struggling to find a job. Not only is the unemployment rate higher than ever, but even for those who do have a job, they’re having trouble maintaining it. No job lasts forever, but many are on a contract, and there’s no guarantee that they won’t simply be fired the next day. It’s the ugly truth and it’s a common problem worldwide. With that said, what is the main cause of this? Are most people too lazy to find a job, or do most companies just have too high of a demand? Overall, here are some things to consider.

#1. The Need is Higher Than The Demand
The reason so many struggle to find employment, is because the need for jobs is higher than the demand. In the long run, this means that numerous people spend their time applying for jobs that don’t need many employees in the first place. For example, let’s say there was a business that only needed 50 employees, and yet hundreds of people applied for a job there. Clearly, the people in that scenario need a job, but the demand for said business isn’t that high. In the long run, this makes it more difficult to find a position of employment, especially since this is a problem for hundreds of businesses.

#2. Applying For The Wrong Jobs
First of all, not everyone who applies for jobs they’re qualified for will get hired, especially with the need being higher than the demand. However, applying for the wrong jobs, is often a reason why many are still unemployed. People are often so desperate to get a job, they’ll apply for any and every job they set their sights on. In the long run, it’s nothing more than a huge waste of time. Think of how many more people would be employed if they only applied for jobs they were qualified for. As I mentioned earlier, that doesn’t mean everyone would get hired, but it would certainly cut down on the time-wasting.

#3. Businesses Are More Demanding
However, another reason unemployment’s a common worldwide problem, is because businesses have become more demanding. Due to the state of the job market, companies have become stricter than ever. Not only are they looking for the most qualified candidates, but even after being hired, many businesses are now watching their employees very closely. If they feel some of their candidates aren’t up to par, they might even dismiss them. Going back to what I said earlier, businesses are also looking for the best candidates. Many companies go through hundreds of applications per day, so they don’t have time to throughly read every resume and cover letter. Numerous businesses have become very precise in their hiring decisions as well. If they skim your cover letter and the first couple of sentences don’t intrigue them or follow the instructions, they’ll likely just discard it. In this day and age, either you’re qualified for the job, or you’re not. As far as most employers are concerned, there is no in between.

For more information about the employment (or unemployment) trends around the world, feel free to contact us at The Network or one of our partners. Our business is a global alliance of more than 50 leading recruitment websites, committed to finding the best talent in over 130 countries. We also offer unique recruitment insight, which makes international recruiting easy.
