What Industries Attract the Most Foreign Workers and Why?

The complexities and variables involved in the global labor market make it difficult to narrow down the top industries foreign workers are attracted to. With that said, there are indicators and patterns we can examine that will give us relevant insights into the subject. Let’s discuss some of these by answering the question: what industries attract the most foreign workers and why?

Industries and Migration
The type of industries that attract foreign workers will depend on each country’s main industries and labor force. For instance, if a country has a large IT industry and a shortage of IT professionals, then this will be the main industry that attracts foreign workers; or, if a country has a large mining industry and not enough low-skilled laborers, then this will be the main industry.

For instance, data sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau in 2013 shows the top five industries for migration are:

  • Mining
  • Professional and Business Services
  • Information (Technology)
  • Wholesale and Retail
  • Leisure and Hospitality

At Medium.com, the article where this information was found also tells us:
“Broadly speaking, singles, renters, and individuals working in commodity industries or professional services are more likely to migrate…industries with more variation in wage rates around the nation, or industries with very volatile employment patterns, tend to see higher migration.”

Education and Development
These are the two main factors involved with foreign migration patterns. In each country, the industries that have the most development are where the workers are needed; the amount of educated/skilled or unskilled workers needed to fill the positions for this development, dictates the amount of foreign workers needed to fill in the gaps.

Information Technology development is something all countries are experiencing, so IT professionals are needed around the world. These types of jobs, as well as other professional services, are being fulfilled remotely more and more, which is making international recruiting easier and more viable for more businesses.

Speaking of education, an article found inForbescalled:“Is The Labor Market Now Completely Global?”, written on September 9th, 2015 by Stuart Anderson, tells us:
“Between 1990 and 2010, the supply of college degree holders outside the United States increased by 184 million people (or 155 percent), larger than the entire U.S. labor force.”

Willy Shih, Harvard Business School Professor, confirms the increase of a growing remote workforce by stating in the article:
“’My view is that over time, less and less work will be tied to a location, and more jobs will fall into a single global market for labor…Technology is going to keep improving, and where we are physically will matter less and less.’”

The Type of Workers the Industry is Attracting
The industries that have the most foreign workers are attracting the type of workers most likely to relocate for work. Generally, this means workers that are younger and single, whether unskilled or skilled. Professionals or skilled workers are more likely to stay long-term, because the jobs will offer better compensation and benefits.

Educated professionals in the hospitality, education, health, retail, and IT industries are more likely to relocate to a foreign country for a job long-term; mining, construction, agriculture, and hospitality industries are more likely to attract unskilled foreign workers short-term. Jobs that offer better compensation and living arrangements will have a better chance of attracting older professionals.

Although the world is getting smaller as innovative technology is developed, it’s still a complex and dynamic place. The industries that attract the most foreign workers will depend on the specific developments and demographics of each country. The one commonality among industries is the growing viability of international recruiting to fill labor force needs.

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